Nicole Lataif Abi-Kheirs
Award-winning author
Nicole Lataif Abi-Kheirs is an award-winning children's book author.
Her first book, Forever You: A Book About Your Soul and Body, won a 2013 Christopher Award and a 2013 Catholic Press Association Award. Forever You, published by Pauline Books & Media, is also available in Spanish as Siempre Tú: Un libro sobre tu alma y tu cuerpo.
Her second book, I Forgive You: Love We Can Hear, Ask For and Give won a 2015 Christopher Award, a 2015 Association of Catholic Publishers Award and a 2015 Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval.
Nicole is available for radio interviews, TV interviews, podcasting, speaking engagements, church visits, and guest blogging. Media inquires may be sent to
Nicole lives with her husband and two sons in Massachusetts.
Karen's Adventures in Mommyland
“I can see using this book at home with young children to teach them about how God created each of us with a body and an immortal soul from the moment we first existed. It’s also a great book to read to children in a religious education class.”
Prophets & Profits Review
“There aren’t too many books like this on the market. Nicole Lataif’s book, Forever You, teaches young ones about the relationship between their souls and bodies — all without talking about death…I’m definitely purchasing a copy for my God son.”
Leslie Lynch, Author
"This is a GREAT book for kids, introducing the concept of forgiveness in ordinary situations that almost all can relate to. Ages 4-8 are targeted, but even younger kids can grasp the idea of forgiveness as presented here. This isn’t a syrupy sweet approach, but one that recognizes the difference between true remorse and simply parroting the words “I’m sorry” because one “should.” It also acknowledges how difficult the process of forgiving others can be. Layered throughout is the sure and dependable concept of God’s mercy and love no matter what we do or experience. The artwork is great, too! I highly recommend this wonderful book!"
Donna Hup, Donna's Deals & More
"This book is just precious and would make a perfect Christmas gift for a boy or girl ages 4-8! I just love how she takes the subject of a soul and breaks it down for a child.”
“Nicole Lataif’s “Forever You” is a MUST for any parent trying to explain the soul to kids.”
Loren Eaton,
“Your kids probably don’t know about dichotomism versus trichotomism, Gnosticism, soul creationism, glorification, and the resurrection of the dead, and even if though those strange words make them scrunch up their faces, by book’s end they’ll have an orthodox Christian understanding of all of them.”
Katie Dardis Singleton, Licentiate in Bioethics; wife and mother; Chastity, Bioethics, and Theology of the Body speaker; and former Assistant Director of the Archdiocese of Boston’s Respect Life Education office.
“Forever You brings to life some of the most fundamental truths of what it means to be human while helping children to develop their relationship with God. The beautifully illustrated text encourages parents to embrace their vocation as the first and most important educators of their children by embarking on a lifetime of catechisis for the entire family.”
Peggy Eastman, Share Magazine Editor
“If you have a young child or grandchild who asks many “why” questions about God and faith, this book can certainly help.”
Sarah Reinhard of, Contributor
“In the words of my five-year-old, this book gets 25 gold stars. Good stuff, worth sharing and rereading!”
MidWest Book Review
Ourselves is the whole of our existence. "Forever You: A Book About Your Soul and Body" a Christian children's picturebook defining the soul from a Christian perspective and our seeking of what it means, and how the soul is a picture of who we truly are and what we see out of our lives. With warm art and a warm message, "Forever You" is a strong pick for Christian youths, highly recommended.
Christian Children's Book Review
“I think Lataif did an excellent job putting the concept of a soul in child-friendly terms. She took a complex idea and gave it a face!” -Lori, Christian Children’s Book Review, Rated: Excellent
Stuart's Study: Children's Corner
This book gets 5 out 5 stars from me. Ms. Lataif did a wonderful job explaining a difficult subject and putting it in terms that children can understand.” -Stuart Dunn